Version 1.0 with 3524 certificates was published 26.10.2023. Version 2.0 with 4030 certificates was published 15.03.2024. The current version 3.0 with 4643 certificates was published 19.10.2024.
Version 1.0 (26.10.2023 to 15.03.2024; DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.13525
. 3524 annotated Audition Certificates (1701 Syrian National Library, 905 Berlin State Library, 753 BNF Paris, 165 Gotha Research Library)
. 369 locations annotated
. 42.089 person annotations
. digitised images, title, author and link to digital catalogue of Bibliotheque National de France mss
Version 2.0 (15.03.2024 to 19.10.2024; DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.14168)
. 4035 annotated Audition Certificates (+ 511 Syrian National Library)
. 399 locations annotated (+ improved handling and georeferencing of the search map)
. 49.275 person annotations
Version 3.0 (19.10.2024; DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.16114)
. 4643 annotated Audition Certificates (+ 599 Syrian National Library, 9 Aşir Efendi Library Istanbul)
. 430 locations
. 58.468 person annotations
. addition of digitised images, title, author and link to digital catalogue of Berlin State Library mss